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Committed partnerfor yoursustainable performance

Bilan carbone
Nos services

Our services 

Sustainable development offers many opportunities for businesses. It is a powerful lever for economic performance, and helps create a healthy and sustainable ecosystem for your employees and customers.

CSR stakes and objectives must be integrated into company's strategy. Indeed they must guide the broad orientations of its activity.

It's time to take stock and take action.

At Plan and Rise, we believe that tomorrow is being built today

We work with you to structure your sustainable development strategy in line with your corporate vision and values.

We help you develop and implement your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy.

We can also help you understand and reduce your company's carbon footprint.

Votre démarche RSE

Your CSR


Votre démarche RSE

Would you like to contribute to meeting the challenges of a sustainable world and seize every opportunity to improve your organization's performance ?

Plan and Rise helps you build tomorrow by structuring your CSR approach.

Votre transition bas carbone

Your low-carbon transition

Votre transition bas carbone

Would you like to take part in the collective effort to tackle climate change ? And by doing so, make your company more successful ?

Plan and Rise is the partner for your low-carbon transition.

Why to team up with

Plan and Rise
Pourquoi faire appe à Plan and Rise

We have an excellent track record in managing the projects that are assigned to us.

We use solid tools and proven methodologies. We are low-carbon transition experts and members of the ABC (Association pour la transition Bas Carbone)

Développement durable

We are well aware that our societies are undergoing major transformations.

We help you accelerate your CSR roadmap while meeting your performance challenges.


You are no longer left alone with recommendations, we follow-up your projects at your own pace.

We share our know-how.

Service client

We don't try to sell services for months on end.

We focus on the key phase of project launch, the most difficult to implement and the most decisive for the success of the project.


Some articles that could catch your mind 

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